Tuesday, June 25, 2024

In her Quinceañere era!


My baby peanut is *15*!!?!

Dearest Sofia,

15 seems like an enormous number compared to all the others so far...but it makes sense, because every day I see how you are growing and morphing into a young woman. Smart, funny, self-confident, open-minded, sassy, diligent, sensitive, compassionate, bold, trustworthy, perservering, empathetic. You are everything and more than I ever hoped you would be, and watching you grow into yourself (or, more accurately, continuing to stay true to yourself) is one of the greatest joys of my life.

A favorite of mine is knocking on your door and you inviting me in to sit on your bed and chit-chat for a bit. I know that there are moments you need to follow your own path (read: steer very clear of your old ma), and that is totally normal and physiological, but I also can feel the bond between us, how strong it is, how much we enjoy spending time together, how we trust each other. You have never, not once, given me a reason not to trust your instincts, and that brings me not only great relief but so much pride. I can see how much you value yourself, and that is really all a mom wants.

And while we do have our tense moments and fight, I never have any doubt that we will find our way back (and usually pretty quickly), and that our love is stronger than any stupid argument. 

Some of your current favorites:
Sushi, spending time with your friends and family, swimming and your swim team friends, hanging out with your sister when she's not driving you nuts, watching Friends and New Girl and Outer Banks together, funny instagram reels, experimenting in the kitchen, rollercoasters and theme parks, your cousins, sleeping, hanging out in your room, going out to dinner, being a CIT last summer, playing board games together, all our family traditions.

Some of your current dislikes:
Having to wake up early, when you don't like what I cook, when papà or I are angry with you, when your sister is driving you crazy, when Samina or I dance or sing in public, injustice of any kind, going to doctors, cruelty and cruel people and also self-absorbed people, other people arguing, not knowing things that you want to know, Latin.

Words can't really express what it feels like to watch you, day in and day out, be so true to yourself and who you are. I always hoped that you would never lose that trust in yourself and, though of course you have those normal teenage moments of not loving everything about yourself, your self-reliance and self-respect are some of my favorite things about you, right up there with how curious you are about the world and other people.

Thank you for being such a delightful person, Sofia. You make the world a better place just by being in it, by shining your light and loving your people with such intensity and fierceness. I am so lucky to know you, let alone be your mom and have this ringside seat of what will surely continue to be your stunning, inspiring, magical life.

We love you so much, Sofi. Keep your head up high and enjoy the ride. You're doing great 💓


Mommy (and Papà and Sami)