Years ago in college, I had a nightmare. While I can't remember all the details, the one thing that always stuck in my mind was the date "April 12th." In this nightmare, something awful took place on that date. So, me being me and all (read: I'm paranoid), every April 12th since then has had me a bit on edge. The phone ringing gives me the chills, Andrea leaving the house this morning made my hair lift on end.
Yeah, I know, I'm a freakin ray of sunshine with this little tidbit of highly (TMI) information, but I am telling you all because I now believe that the more people I tell, the more likely it is that I will get this weeeeird detail out of my life.
So, there ya have it: I'm crazy as a sloth in a marathon. Enjoy the rest of your day, please don't get hit by a bus.
UPDATE: It is now April 13th and I - and all the people I know, as far as I can tell - have made it once again through April 12th. Go figure.