Monday, October 17, 2016

Diary-entry daughter update

I was going through some old posts and realized I haven't done a diary-entry daughter update for a while. I like keeping track of their likes and dislikes and where they are emotionally (them and me) and love looking back on them, especially on particularly tough days! we go!


You are definitely the scorekeeper in the family, with one eye constantly out for wrongdoers or injustices. You are also -- despite that or because of it -- our in-house, curly-head-in-the-clouds poet/songstress/artist, night-time story reader, and inventer. You Love school, all italics with a capital "L". I have never met another soul as curious as you (besides your father), and I think I have chosen it as my favorite thing about you, followed closely by your all-out enthusiasm, adventurous tastebuds, and how easily things just slide off your back, pushed right off with the force of one of your silly belly laughs.

You have never been a "simple" child, but you and I have muddled through the first-born storm together, clinging to each other as we figure it out. You feel 10,000 emotions simultaneously and it's hard - nope, impossible - to tame them, or you, when you are upset or excited or any of the million emotions in between. But the older you get and the more I understand how you tick, the more confident I feel that you are going to be just fine. And that fills me with so much relief and appreciation for you.

Current loves: crafts and handicrafts of any kind, gymnastics, playing with your sister, going out to dinner (especially sushi), playing outside, reading out loud to us in both English (favorite is anything Berenstain Bears right now) and Italian, slipping into bed to go to sleep after a long day, swimming, snuggles from Mommy, fake karate with Papà, laughing, spending time with your entire extended family, travelling, homework (I KNOW!), asking questions, putting on dance "shows", cheesy summer pop music (thanks, camp van), animals.

Current hates: being scolded, practicing piano when you're tired (and thus fighting with Papà), getting bossed around by your sister, getting in trouble for bossing your sister around, injustice, mosquitos, most kinds of cheese, being bored.

I don't know what I'd do without you Sofia...but, mainly, I don't know who I'd be without you. You have taught me so much about what it is to be a good person, a truly kind, patient, and generous person. You test me - sometimes your head is so far up in the clouds that I want to shake you awake - but it mostly comes from my fear that you'll miss something or get hurt. But mainly I am just so proud of who you are becoming, and the older you get, the easier and more interesting it is to talk to you and hear your perspective on things. Thank you, my sweet Peanut, for helping make me the mom, and person, I am today.


Our little sneaky monkey! You are the personification of "Sugar and Spice."

People take to you in minutes, and your instant ability to make friends is my favorite aspect of your personality, as well as what I admire most about you. You don't seem to abuse this power either - except with your sister, who you absolutely love to push around - which might just in fact be your unquestionably favorite hobby.

You and I have a very close relationship, and I have to admit that I feel like the Queen of the World when you need some cuddles and cry out for me. And though I joke about it, I think I will miss it when you're older and no longer need to stuff one hand down my shirt, other thumb in your mouth, in order to relax ;)

There are tough sides to you too. Whereas your sister has a very powerful sense of empathy and right and wrong, your favorite pastime is testing boundaries, seeing just how much you can get away with. It's frustrating, but underneath my scolding I also am proud of your rebellious nature.

Your sister is your idol, though you would have to basically be tortured at Abu Ghraib before you would admit it. You miss her when she's not around, and the older you guys get, the more I feel my first place importance in your life fading, while you make room for your sister on that pedestal. As much as I'm nostalgic for it, I couldn't entrust you to a better soul though, so make sure you listen to your sister - she is looking out for you, sometimes even better than I ever could.

Current loves: playing with your baby dolls, playing with your sister, playing outside, sweets of any kind, gymnastics, pretending to read books, story time, cuddling, sucking your thumb, animals, travelling, watching TV, makeup and dress-up, wearing dresses and only dresses, running, teasing your sister, swimming, birthday parties, dancing, doing everything your sister does, spending time with your whole extended family, candy, negotiating, laughing.

Current hates: being scolded, feeling like anyone is laughing at you, having to turn the TV off, getting blamed for something you didn't do, getting bossed around by your sister, feeling out of control, wearing pants, being forced to do anything.

There is no lovelier sound in this house than your laughter, Sami. Your sunny disposition is the cure-all in this family of overthinking philosophers. But underneath that carefree exterior is a keen observer, who says little but hears everything, and stockpiles every thread of information. You are sunshine and joy, with a hint of thunder and a handful of lightning. Your greatest gift to me is what you teach me about the definitions of loyalty and self-love.

Like I tell you every night before you fall asleep: I am so lucky to be your mom, my beautiful girls.
May the world give you everything you've ever dreamed of, and may the hard times always be surmountable. And may you never, ever forget that your Papà and I will always, always, always have your back.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Cultural shift

As our trip starts to wind down, marked by the last day of camp tomorrow and the start of our last week stateside, I can't help but reflect on the past 2 months.

Andrea and I decided a few years ago that it was really important to us that the girls experience life (the culture and language) over here, mainly because one day (who knows!) they may decide they want to go to college in the U.S., but also because it's just so important to us that this part of themselves feels familiar.

And familiar it has become. The other day, Samina walked out of the bathroom singing the hokey pokey, and out of the blue referred to sneakers as "tennis shoes" yesterday. And Sofia...she recently schooled Andrea about what someone's "jam" is. Mix that together with the "van music" (music her van drivers put on for the morning commute), pop tunes ranging from Justin Bieber to Flo Rida, and I believe we have ourselves two mini Americans (ok, mini Italian-Americans to be precise...they still don't like to mix their first and second courses on the same plate).

I am just so proud of them for all of this. The flexibility and open minds, courage and adaptability that they have shown really make me tear up daily. They are remarkable little human beings and I am so glad we have had the opportunity to provide them with this room for growth (thanks mom and dad!) and the chance to spend some quality time with the other parts of their family too, and to make some first-rate memories together (NYC, Woodloch, Sesame Place, and the list goes on...leaving for the shore tomorrow!).

While all 4 of us are looking forward to heading back to our home and the other half of our friends and family, we can only smile at the memories made...and gasp a little bit at how big the girls seem to have gotten under the hot sun and fresh outdoors that their summer camp experience has provided them with.

See you next year, New Jersey!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Samina turns 4

Like every mother before me, I am truly bewildered at the fact that my baby is turning 4.

For our family, Samina represents a sort of Joker in the deck. She almost always wakes up with a smile, but then you never really know what the rest of the day will bring.

Her thoughts and actions are unpredictable - which I am slowly starting to accept as a good thing - though it makes for some stressful parenting at times. She is tigerishly defiant and independent, endearingly mischievous and so, so hysterical.

Her will cannot be bent, unless there is television or some sort of dessert involved. In many ways, she is what the rest of us in the Rossi family lack: pure, uncontaminated rebellion. Yet, she is also passionately loyal and gives the most delicious spontaneous hugs in the universe.

Her current favorites: playing with her sister, jumping on the trampoline, riding on her scooter, being outside, passionately talking to her dolls with a purse swung over her shoulder, chocolate, Night Fury from How to Train Your Dragon, pretty much anything on TV but especially Super Wings and Paw Patrol and (sigh) Dora, accessories, anything sparkly, fancy shoes, lip gloss, tiny objects, skirts that spin when she dances around, music, constant chatter, books, animals, annoying her sister, making people laugh.

You're a handful, Sami, but I hope you never change. I hope your zest for life and your sense of irony follow you always, and that you continue to find irreverent joy in all of life's little details. I am in awe of you, and I envy you, for these traits, and I am so very charmed by the original, loving, clever little person you are turning out to be.

We love you so much, Pookie!

Ti vogliamo un mondo di bene, Always,

Mommy (and Papà and Sofi)

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Our papà...

Our papà is always around when we need him.
He makes sure we are safe and fed and happy.
He talks to us and explains even the most complicated concepts in a way we can understand.
He takes the time to listen to what we want to say.
We are the most important people to him, and he shows us that daily.
He gets healthy snacks ready for us, he takes us to the park, he reads to us every night, he buys us surprise presents and organizes fun outings for the family.
He helps Mommy when she is having a bad day and always backs her up, even when she is being a bit over-dramatic.
Our papà thinks it's important that our opinion is heard.
Our papà lets us eat off his plate, even if it drives him crazy.
Our papà isn't afraid to show us affection and gives us hugs and kisses all the time.
He is always trying to set a good example, he always goes to bed thinking about how he can be a better person the next day.
Our papà is involved in our lives and is our fiercest champion.
Our papà knows and loves our friends and always makes them laugh.
Our papà wears shorts even in the coldest months because he doesn't give two figs what anyone has to say about him.
Our papà is the kindest, most generous person in the world.
And we are lucky to have him.

Ti vogliamo bene Papi!

- Sofi, Sami e Mommy <3 p="">