Sunday, June 22, 2008

A dip in the pool

We just got back from a great 3-day mini-trip to a lovely farmhouse near Todi. The place was really beautiful - amazing view, tooootally refreshing pool and poolside for baking*, good food, nice people...totally overpriced (in fact, our hunt for The Perfect Agriturismo - price included - continues!), but a nice trip nonetheless!

* throw out your suntan lotion after the recommended expiration (generally 12 months) or you will unexplicably lobster up like I did. And I tell ya, kids, I'm not 17 anymore: those wrinkles popped up PRONTO!

Our room...

The view...

Another view...

The farmhouse pets (Biancaneve the dog and Mozart the talking/whistling/dancing/sound effect producing parrot)...

Happy travelers...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

We'll always have Toledo! I love you Dad!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Con tanto affetto dalle tue due donne =)

Saturday, June 7, 2008


One of the things I've always found so weird about the grownup Work World is that a person spends 8 hours+ a day with the same faces, but generally none of those faces ever mix with the faces in your 'normal' life! So I brought my camera to our new office and took a few shots...


(ciao Sabry - hai dato il permesso no??!)





There are a lot more...and growing!...but the rest were either camera shy or not in the building! Nice lookin bunch eh? ;)