Monday, December 30, 2013

Resolutions 2014

Promises to myself for the new no particular order...

1. Get more sleep.

2. Wear more dresses.

3. Take better quality pictures (with my birthday camera, yay!).

4. Spoil Andrea more.

5. Write my friends more handwritten letters.

6. Hold myself less responsible.

7. Filter myself more or less on a case by case basis.

8. Handle my frustration better.

9. Walk, cook and read more.

10. See number one. I'm serious people.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

To sleep, perchance...

Sleep and I used to be way cool. There's family foklore my parents like to tell of a baby Jodi deciding she was tired at the dinner table, pushing her plate and table setting out of the way, resting her head down and passing out cold.

That description of me holds true throughout pretty much all of my life. Just like how when I'm hungry you'd best feed me, when I'm tired, if I don't get to sleep right then and there, there will be hell to pay for all involved.

So you can imagine, 2 small children later, how Sleep - or, rather, my lack thereof - has become the bane of my very nemesis, my curse. And not only because I get so little of it compared to my youngin days, but because I am no longer the one who chooses when, where, and how long. None of that is up to me anymore, and I feel fairly certain that, if it were, 99.9% of my parenting complaints would no longer be an issue.

As it stands, I haven't had a good night's sleep since, oh, the early part of my first trimester with Sofia, way back in 2008. Since then, we've had sleep issues and sleep deprivation, sleep training and co-sleeping all up in our faces - every nap, every night. We are four people bunked up in one bedroom. We are night nursing and, this week, severe jet lag. We are...for lack of a better description...freakin exhausted.

I don't have anything out of the ordinary or life-changing to add to this post, really. I'm not writing this to then surprise you with a "but THEN, we discovered" sleep training post. Sleep training didn't work for us with Sofia - in fact, it worsened the situation - and we've opted out of it with Samina. Our theory - as with all second child theories - is that it will eventually work itself out.

Eventually. And, in the meantime...we stock option coffee and cat naps and, what the heck, will take a go at adding it to our Christmas list.

Wish us luck!