Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Repercussions of a Long Coffee Day (plus Musings on Brisket)

If I ever write an autobiography, that's number 1 on the viable title list. Lately I have become coffee-obsessed.


The worst part about living in a foreign country is, of course, having to miss out on your traditions. But the best part is making up news ones! So, in honor of Rosh Hashanah, I am on a mission to (a) figure out which part of the Italian cow is the brisket cut, (b) figure out how to replace cranberries in the brisket recipe and (c) um, cook one. I'll let you know how/if/when it comes out...maybe even take a picture for posterity.

Happy New Year all...make new traditions this year!

1 comment:

monica said...

Happy New Year Jodi! I still think you should use (pitted) cherries instead of the cranberries. Good luck! I can't wait to hear how it turns out.