Tuesday, April 21, 2009

32 weeks (approx. 56 days left!)

Current complaints and anxiety:
1. extreme fatigue
2. shortness of breath
3. the CONSTANT peeing!
4. have to pack the infamous hospital bag

Current excitement:
1. maternity leave starts May 16th
2. our pre-natal course is turning out to be really great, and a great way for Andrea and I to spend some down time thinking about our new "Triad" as our trainer calls it!
3. only (approx.) 56 days left!


Roberta Krumholz said...

I am glad you only have to pack one bag. Back in the "old days" Dad was not allowed into the hospital room and I needed to pack a bag for him, too. It contained many games, puzzles, papers, etc. to keep him busy and occupied while I was birthing in another part of the hospital! Love, Mom

Roberta Krumholz said...
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