This face is a normal, day-to-day Sofia face: filled with sneaky! Our little girl is quite the clever child.
A quick update while she's napping:
While no new "real" words are making their way out yet, her sounds are getting more sophisticated and, when prompted, she is working on saying such words as "Nonna" (her grandmother), the names of her daycare teachers Nadia and Jessica, "MeMa", "banana" and, yes, even "Mommy." Though, here is a conversation Sofia and I have had now on more than one occasion:
Me: "Sofia, can you say M-O-M-M-Y"?
Sofia: "Mmmm....PAPA'!"
Sure knows how to make a girl feel loved! Ha!
Her walking is really progressing - her little Frankenstein/chimpanzee style is getting very fast and no real toppling over is happening unless she's exhausted. Her latest obsessions are shoes and clothes in general (uh-oh...please tell me it's a phase, or she'll have to get a job soon!) practicing walking, sitting in her rocking chair by herself and 'reading' and, as always, her father!
We are still majorly fixated on sleep issues: it's just not happening yet. We had a meeting with her daycare teachers to get some advice and have put some of it into action already and are waiting to deal with the rest until after Thanksgiving.
Fingers ever crossed!
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