Sunday, April 10, 2011

Playing favorites

I'm going to talk about something that's not all that fun for me to talk about: Sofia's playing favorites. Namely, her choosing her Papa' over me 9 times out of 10. Scratch that, make it 9.5 times out of 10.

I've racked my brain endlessly about why this might be. Is it because we got off to such a rocky start? Is it because mainly Andrea bottle fed her? Is it because I wasn't able to breastfeed her? Is it simply because she's a Daddy's girl? Is it because we send her to daycare? Is it because I'm the only one speaking to her in English? Is it the way I wear my hair or the tone of my voice or because I made her chicken for dinner when she wanted pasta?????

Whatever the reason be, it's something I've been dealing with for quite a while now. Though there are those fantastic (heavenly) days when both Mommy and Papa' are cool, most of the time Papa' can't leave a room without her screaming (you tell me how good it feels to have someone scream bloody murder because they have to be alone in a room with you for 3 minutes).

And then, yesterday, I got a little more insight. We took her to a birthday party for one of her daycare friends and, lo and behold, I saw a different side to Sofia: the side that is all but identical to moi, yours truly. I'd always just assumed Sofia was sociable and outgoing like her father, but yesterday we realized just how much of an Observer she is, too. She took a while to warm up and, many times, preferred to do her own thing, playing outside with a stroller while the other kids ate cookies and screamed (mainly screamed - sorry, head). She was perfectly content to munch on her piece of pizza, give a quick boogie to the music and then run to the bathroom alone to turn the faucets on and off.

So the question came to me: could one reason for her distance from me be because of how much we are alike deep-down? Could she be searching out her Papa' for the same reasons I do?: security and a calming presence who will protect her as she observes from afar, at least at first?

Could be. Also, could be that she just isn't that into me, but considering I'm her MOM and all, I'm going to go with Option A. And hope and pray that, as she grows up, she will learn that I can teach her a thing or two about how to run into the bathroom and turn the faucets on and off without seeming like a total freak.

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