Saturday, November 19, 2011

Random memory.

This morning I suddenly remembered the very day Sofia first claimed her independence.

We were walking along in the park, as we were prone to do practically every day during her first year of life, when she suddenly started screaming. And kicking. Like a crazy person. She was not a happy camper. Had she eaten? Check. Was she hot? Nope. Cold? Nope. Was there a piece of metal accidentally stuck into her ribcage? Not that I could see. I tried everything. Hushes and songs, antics and more bottle. Nada.

On a whim, I decided to turn her stroller seat around - from facing me to turned out to the world. And wouldn't ya know it? She stopped screaming.

And I had to smile. My little girl...5 months, if I remember right?...had already had enough of my face and was ready to take on the world.


Roberta Krumholz said...

I take it that was when you knew you were definitely in for it!

jodi said...

Hmm. No, I think that would be at about 4pm on June 25th, when she came out kicking and screaming!!