Monday, March 25, 2013


I'm not really sure what happened. As you'll all remember quite well, Samina was my Angel baby. In the very beginning, we did crazy things like eat meals in peace and forget she was in the room. And sleep, and Dream, of doing things in a composed and calm fashion, as a quiet family of 4.

As she got older, it was obvious she had a real personality in there, but she was still so sweet and, most of the time, calm as could be. She would bat her Angel eyes and coo and all would be right with the world.

Then. One day. A couple weeks ago. SOMETHING HAPPENED. My Angel baby is still the smiliest, cooingest baby in babyland...but now, only when she gets her way. The other part of the time, she is...well...very loud.

And now, I can't bat my eyes without her getting into something. Can't leave her out of my line of vision without her climbing onto a table or putting something in her mouth -- and then calling us over, in all her proud glory, so that we can scold her (or not...still not sure what the best tactic is to get her to stop).

Samina and that twinkle in her eye love nothing more than stealing whatever her sister's playing with which, as you can imagine, goes over really well with Sofia. Ohhh, and the diaper changing/dressing/putting her in the car seat/making her sit at the dinner table. Those wars are fun for the whole family! The screaming! The headaches! The flashbacks to her big sister at this age!

Me: "I thought one of the two was *bound* to be easy!"
Andrea: "Maybe the first one was, but we didn't realize it until now."

Gulp. I think he may be right....

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