Tuesday, April 16, 2013

1 is the tiniest biggest number

The afternoon I took this picture was quintessential "Samina".

Dirt in your fingernails, picking daisies and putting them in my hand, carefully analyzing each one, looking to me for approval every time you *didn't* put one in your mouth.

Squealing with joy, arms up over your head at the birds flying above, as if you were trying to catch one.

Rebelliously ripping your hood off your head each time I slyly tried to pull it back up, afraid you were getting too cold.

Smiles from ear to ear at the arrival of your Papà and big sister.

Insisting you drink your water from a plastic cup, all by yourself, but then unwisely giving into temptation and crinkling up that cup, water and all, too enchanted by the sound it made.

And then, getting tired, whining til Mommy picked you up, sticking a thumb in your mouth and the other hand right down my shirt, searching for comfort.

Happy 1st birthday, my remarkable girl. Every day with you is a lesson in living. I am so lucky to be your Mommy.

We love you, Sami.

- Mommy, Papà & Sofi

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