Saturday, August 7, 2021

Oops, Happy Belated Sofia!!

I can't believe how late I am to posting this for Sofia's 12th birthday...which was a month and a half ago (😅), but here I am!

Dearest Sofia,

I need to start this note by saying how proud I am/we are of you. It's incredible to me, how you have surpassed every idea we had of who you would be. You are so smart, caring, empathetic, curious, honest, geniune, silly, original, and beautiful - inside and out. Not a day goes by that I don't feel entirely fortunate to be your mom - to know you so well, to be trusted and loved by you, to be around to help you become the best Sofia you can possibly be - which you do, on a daily basis 💓

So, in honor of your (belated) 12TH BIRTHDAY, I'm here to document who you are right now in time.

Your current LOVES:
Our chickens, sushi, going to school, music, hanging out in (what will hopefully soon be) your room, conversations, watching movies/TV all together on the couch, swimming, going out, seeing friends, new clothes and finding your own style, family, playing board games together, sleeping in, new piano challenges, laughing (especially when your sissy makes you laugh), travel.

Your current HATES:
When your sister is being annoying (I could just repeat this one for the next 10 lines and it would pretty much cover everything you hate in a nutshell), when I am being annoying, when your papà gets mad at you, when we check in on you to make sure you're doing your homework, having to wake up early, not being able to go to school, Trump, seeing people sad, not being able to see your friends and family, injustice, scary or very emotional movies.

You never leave the lunch/dinner table without thanking whoever made lunch, you so carefully studied the chickens and helped us all realize they have their own very specific personalities. You are the first one there to make sure your sister's ok if she's crying or hurt. You don't often take no for an answer, but just between us I actually love that about you. I love our before-bedtime chats on your bed where I feel like we can just talk about anything and you will never tire of asking questions and truly, honestly listening to my answers. 

I continue to learn so much from you Sofia - about how to love and show love. Thank you so much for traveling through this weird life with me - letting me be by your side as you experience it all, and letting papà and Samina and I really *know* you.

We love you so much - and I am so sorry that your birthday is the last of all of ours so by the time we roll around to June 25th I apparently always forget to write these notes to you!!! 

Happy 12th, sweet Sofia.


Mommy (and Papà and Sami)

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