Friday, January 5, 2007

Post Vacay!

I'm back! The vacation was great - relaxing and fun, and now I'm trying to get over my jet lag and mentally prepared for my return to life and work. Luckily Andrea has planned some surprise outings for this weekend in honor of my birthday (Monday the 8th -- mark your calendars m'dears!) so my brain won't be swallowed up by unkind thoughts of 8-hour days in front of my *gasp* computer screen. Argh!

My mom also made a CD of the professional pictures from our wedding so we finally had a chance to check them out. THEY'RE AWESOME! To the left here you can see one of my favorites, but there were too many to choose from, really.

I hope everyone had a good holiday break and is easily sliding right back into life, a little more relaxed and chubbier than before (what with that holiday eating and all). Pudge up, it's cold out there! =)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

che carina che sei, peccato il nasone di tuo marito!