Sunday, April 15, 2007

What time zone am I in again?

We got back from our whirlwind trip on Tuesday and I headed back to work on Wednesday morning...and my head is honestly still spinning from it all. Work is totally nutso -- with the festival just three weeks away (it starts May 2nd), there is a literal ton of work to do. Pressure is high, meetings are numerous and anxiety levels (namely, mine) are sky-rocketing.

Joyfully appreciated my Saturday yesterday: long walk in the park with my iPod, a gelato with Andrea (Spring has definitely Sprung here), watched "The History of Violence" (which was, well, violent) and avoided turning into a pumpkin as I passed out before midnight. Not bad!

Anyway, much of today will probably be spent with nagging worries in my head about the long and stressful week ahead of me....followed by inner pleas to just let it go and enjoy my Sunday. Ahhh isn't it nice to know that I will never change!?

And you all...what time zone are *you* in?....

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I am in the time zone that I wish you were in too, lady! Next time you cross the Atlantic, you'd best make some time for us, ya hear? ;)