Thursday, November 22, 2007

Giving Thanks

Call me cliche', but Thanksgiving really is my favorite. I mean, what other time during the year can you have an excuse to eat all that pumpkin?

Thanksgiving has always been a chance for Andrea and I to make our own roots and set our own traditions, surrounded by some of the people we care most about in the world. It's a day-long moment for reflection, a chance to look inside and be thankful and - miracle of miracles in this house - stop complaining for a second and just enjoy it, dammit.

It's the official start of the holiday season I love so much, it's the warm smell of baking pies and the enormous, laughable size of the 15-kilo American-basted turkey Andrea's Italian mother has successfully added to her kitchen repertoire. Thanksgiving is nutmeg and cinnamon, tart cranberries and a comfortable couch. It is all the simple goodness of life, seen for what it really is: absolute luxury.

Enjoy the day, and remember to take one long moment just to look around the table and be grateful for all the luxury in your life. Wish we could ALL be together around my table this year!

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