Thursday, July 26, 2012

Karma is My Friend.

I'm about to make a confession that will make the internet gods keel over laughing, as they plan their spiteful revenge at my hubris. I have a newborn who...wait for it...sleeps (I whispered it, that's why it's in small font).

Yes, ladies and gents, my little girl is a super sleeper*. Sometimes - and this is going to make other parents want to beat me with a pointy stick - she doesn't even want anyone around while she puts herself to sleep. I just put her down, preferably on her side so she can easily rest her thumb in her mouth, and leave the room and normally within 4 minutes she's fast asleep.

At night, the story's similar. 7:30 rolls around, my girl had better already be bathed and fed because she is ready for the sleep fairy. And it's not that she sleeps through the night fully - she normally wakes up to eat 2x a night, but she hardly even opens her eyes to do so, and falls right back into her happy stupor immediately after - possibly during.

Those 2+ years of non-sleeping with Child #1 have finally paid off. So much so that sometimes we risk leaving the house without Samina, or leaving her in the car because she's too damn quiet.

And this, little world, is our proof that karma is alive and well. So watch your back.

*fine, I'll be superstitious and put the damn disclaimer: I do realize it's early and we have all sorts of time for things like teething and sicknesses to throw us right off kilter. Thanks for reminding me, interwebs.


Meredith said...

Both my kids are like this. So ;-P

Roberta Krumholz said...

We knew it would happen! You couldn't have two like that. Both of them are loves, but a sleepy love is terrific.

Roberta Krumholz said...

We knew it would happen! You couldn't have two like that. Both of them are loves, but a sleepy love is terrific.