Monday, January 23, 2017

They were marching for you, too.

Have you ever looked for an empty seat on a bus or in a college lecture or at the movie theater next to a woman, instead of a man, to avoid being bothered?

Have you ever pretended to listen to music on your headphones so men would leave you alone?

Have you ever been totally giddy at the idea of joining a women’s-only gym?

Have you ever walked into a car dealership to have their first question be “So, what color would you like?”

Have you ever had a story to tell about being (often vulgarly) cat-called as you walk to work?

Have you ever had a friend wait for you to safely get inside your house before they drove off?

Have you ever been told you should smile more/asked why you are always so angry?

Have you ever been told you are a crybaby, a bitch, an idiot because what on earth could you have to complain about?

Have you ever purposely not made eye contact with a man so he wouldn’t get the wrong idea?

Have you ever felt uneasy around a man, but couldn’t put your finger on why?

Have you ever “spotted” a friend at a bar to make sure the guy harassing her would just leave?

Have you ever tried to make yourself "a guy's girl" to be cooler?

Have you ever changed your outfit 10 times before a job interview because you didn’t want to give off the “wrong vibe”?

Have you ever had to water down your views or opinions to avoid being seen as a "bitch"?

Well then, those women were marching for you, too, whether you wanted them to or not.