Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Frozen October

The two biggest things on my mind these days: my possible/probable/hopeful new job possibility as a full-time translator and how freaaaakin COLD it is here. I'm back and forth on which is consuming most of my apprehensive frowning this week.

The job: an old employer who I used to teach ESL for. I contacted them on a whim, just to see if there was some extra work to be had, and they responded with a 'full time' job offer. I went to meet with them and they gave me my first trial translation, and I haven't heard back from them since. Either it sucked, or they are busy with their lawyers figuring out how to transfer the title of their business over to me, it was just *that* good. (Ok, it was only yesterday, but I wouldn't be me if I wasn't sitting here antsy about it.)

The cold: all I can say is WHAT THE HELL!? It's not even November yet and already I can't go anywhere without my ginormous winter scarf carefully wrapped around my delicate face.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, something's gotta change, and soon!

1 comment:

monica said...

Fingers, toes, and eyeballs all crossed for ya, Jodi!