Monday, May 2, 2011

What Allergy Season Means to Me

It's that time of the year again, folks! The one where I am the worst possible person I can be: simultaneously sneezy, fidgety, frustrated, snippy and totally out of it thanks to the antihistamines. You just gotta love me from May 1st (precisely) to end-of-June.

The annoying thing is, I really love Springtime so so much. I love the whole flower blooming and animal mating and such. The rejuvenation of it all. Who doesn't appreciate the poetic sunshine after a long, dark winter? Hitler, that's who. Oh, and me, at 3 o'clock in the morning when my throat is so scratchy it feels like I swallowed a vial of poison ivy. Thanks, Nature.

My new doc put me on new meds this year, we'll see how it works out for me. Right now, I'm on Day 2 (perhaps I should've started earlier...say, December?) and my nose is as red and eyes as puffy as ever. It took me 13 minutes just to get all the crud off my eyelids this morning when I woke up. (Enjoy your lunch!)

One day they will find a cure for seasonal allergies (if he weren't dead, I'd be calling Jerry Lewis right now - wait, he's dead, right?). Until then, I just have to suck it up. And wonder what the hell possessed me to move to Umbria, "the green heart of Italy."



Meredith said...

God, me too. I hate the spring. Oh, it's pretty. But every year I feel like I may actually become the first person to ever die of spring allergies.

jodi said...

For a second there, I feel like I stole that Hitler line from you. Did I? Wow, age is hitting me right front in the head.

Meredith said...

Meh, who can remember anything anymore?

Who am I, anyway???

jodi said...

You're you, silly! And, cool, I can just go and copy and paste one of your blog entries and you'll be none the wiser! And, well. Vice-versa!

Roberta Krumholz said...

However he looks or acts, Jerry Lewis is NOT dead (yet)