Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Festa del Papà 2014

You heal our bruises and pick up the pieces.
Your tireless hands hold ours.
You teach us how to write, how to run, how to fall down and laugh about it.
You bathe us, feed us, caress us when we're sad.
You proudly tape up our pictures all over the furniture.
You stay up late to learn how to make us balloon animals.
You give in almost every time we ask for "just one more story."
You don't let us get away with anything.
You let Mommy rest when she's had a long day.
You teach us generosity through your acts, not your words.
You push us to be better, just like you always strive to be better.
You show us, every single day, what it is to be a Man, a Father, a Friend.

Grazie, papà. Di tutto.

Con tanto affetto,


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